If you have trouble finding your original order emails or the download links have expired, please email us with your Name and Email used at the time of purchase, as well as the products you ordered. Please note that these new versions are only available as 'Full-Installers' which need to be re-downloaded from the store they were originally purchased at. This error indicates that the new Scenery was not added to the Scenery Library and you have to add it by manually (Menu: World - Scenery Library) Prepar3d V2: These new versions will work with Prepar3D V2, however at the end of the installation you will see an error message which you can ignore. The new default Installation Folder for all airports is /FlyTampa/AirportName/. Additionally you can delete the old files by removing /Addon Scenery/FlyTampa-Airport/. FlyTampa Maarten Complete I am reviewing Maarten Complete scenery by FlyTampa that is available in FlyTampa store for 28 Euro (32 at current rates September 2015). FSX & Prepar3D: If you have a previous version of these airports installed, you must remove the existing entry from the Scenery Library before installing the new version.